Wednesday, October 14, 2015

More Max! Book 4 Tails From The Park

Cat Territory

Max protecting his territory

Purrrr! I'm turning in circles. The humans have done it again. My fourth book is now ready to pre-order. It will be live on October 15. Tails From The Park (Series 4)

Every cat has his territory, and he protects it. "Slippery When Wet" tells the story of a new cat coming into my space. There's a beginning which starts like the photo and an end. Read the excerpt below.

Don't forget to pre-order my next book at Amazon.
Triumphantly, he came down the path toward me. The dead rodent’s tail and short little legs hung down lifeless and limp. With his cat eyes flashing and his neck muscles popped out, this ghost held his head up high. Only once did he glance over his shoulder just to make sure he was alone and safe. I watched him intently from my perch. I sat up and hunched my shoulders forward with a paw draped over the edge of my wooden shelf. I’m sure he saw my claws when they gripped the edge just for effect.
From deep inside of me a growl built up as I glared down at him. But even forewarned, he didn’t slow down until he was almost under me. At that point he dropped his kill to the ground and looked up. Nervously licking his lips, he waited. I know fealty when I see it and I was impressed with this youngster.
I could smell the sweet scent of blood as it wafted up to me in the hot air. Even though this was his kill, and me being me, I made him wait for it. For, what you ask? Why…my approval of course. As a poacher he needed permission from me, the yard master. While he anxiously watched, I lay down on my side. Hesitantly he licked his whiskers that were matted with the dead rodent’s blood.
Droplets of red, red blood dripped off his lion’s chin. All I could think of was how slippery fur feels when it’s soaked wet with blood.

Slippery when wet, my grim little joke! 

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