Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Healthy Skin & Coat for Cats

A Dull Coat Needs Attention from Humans


Hey! We cats always think we are the best looking animal around. Sometimes we need humans to notice when things aren't quite right.  Like a dull coat.

Often, a dull coat is a result of the food we eat. We need lots of protein. (More than--OK, I'm going to say it--dogs.)

We don't have the same nutritional needs as humans either, so a "low-fat" food may really be harming our body. We need fat. Fat "lubricates" our coat and gives it tone, plus it keeps our skin supple without dry flakes. I think you humans call it dandruff. If your cat is a bit plump, try cutting back on carbohydrates rather than fat.

Here are some other signs of dry coat:

  • Too many baths! Baths strip the skin of important oils. Unlike dogs (there, I said it again) cats don't need a bath unless something really sticky, or smelly is beyond our ability to clean by ourselves.
  • Overweight kitty. A very plump kitty may not be able to reach all the parts of his body. This can lead to an unkempt coat, and in super fluffy cats, snarls and tangles.
  • Getting older. Yep, it happens to cats, too. When we become less flexible it can limit movement and our ability to groom.
  • Medical conditions. You really, really need the vet for these. Kidney problems, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and other illnesses. Your vet is your cat's friend.
  • Parasites. They are more than annoying. Fleas, ticks and worms can affect the skin and coat. 
If a little change in your cat care and feeding doesn't help. Be sure to consult your veterinarian for possible causes.

The Brush

Brushing your cat on a regular basis helps to stimulate the follicles. Plus, brushing helps distribute the natural oils along the entire hair. 

So aside from getting rid of surface dust and dirt, those regular brushings help keep our coats glossy. Plus, we love the attention.

Your cat will look as awesome as she feels.

If you like cats, be sure to come to our Book Party this Saturday, August 22. Join in the fun. My co-author, Tim Hammill, will read from my stories.


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