Sunday, February 14, 2016

Max and Tammy

If you've read Monday, Monday in Tails From The Park, 

you met Tammy. Now I'm teaming up with Tammy and we're telling Young Adult stories with a bit of adventure (Hey, it can't be me without adventure!) and a bit of mystery.  The book is coming out this spring. Here's a bit from the beginning.

With that I slipped into the library and stopped in the middle of the room. A large window, (actually the only window) gave us a view of the grassy field. The whole of the room was painted white; along the walls were a series of white book shelves that were mostly half empty. In a corner was a little nook with a table and chairs. On the table was a single table lamp, but there was so much natural light from the big window that Tammy never turned it on.

There, sitting amongst the library things were boxes filled to the brim with books. These were the donations that Tammy and I were going to sort through. My friend immediately started opening these boxes, making stacks of books according to the author’s names. It looked like a lot of work and Tammy was hard at it when I saw my work station high up on the big window. A large empty shelf called out to me; it looked to be just the right size for a plump cat like myself. I leaped up to it easily enough and stretched out to suck up the mid–day sun. Those wonderful rays beat in through the glass, like a cat nap express. All the while Tammy kept making more and more piles of books. Every so often she squealed in her excitement.

She jumped to her feet and picked up a stack of books, she declared. “These will have to go up on that shelf you’re laying on, Max at least for the time being.” With that she placed one book after another and filled the empty space behind me with red, yellow, blue, and black colored books. In no time, I was being forced into a smaller and smaller space.

As she started on another armful of books I needed to move, so I carefully jumped over her hands, and stood precariously on top of this new row of books. Suddenly they started to wobble. Tammy stuck out her hand to help me but my balance was way off. Something which rarely ever happens to me.     
The books tipped over and plummeted to the floor. I stuck out my right paw and hooked a booked entitled Huckleberry Finn. With her other hand Tammy tried to stop me but I swung to one side as Huck and I slipped off the shelf and into mid-air.
 Now's the purrfect time to join the Max Gang. Get personal emails from me about book releases. You'll know when the first Max and Tammy book is ready. So put your paw on your mouse and click Max Gang.

Head bumps,


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