Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Water Time

Cats and Water

Yep, That's Me in the Tub

The widely accepted thought that cat's have an aversion to water is only partially true. OK, most of us don't like full body immersion. On the other hand, we love to watch the flow and play with the drops. So, here I am playing with water in the tub. 

But, and that's a big one, unlike the Turkish Van, I'm not fond of getting my entire body wet. Turkish Vans love to swim. I'll leave them to it. 

Some cats like to take a shower. Here's David Amerland's Nike drying out in the sun after her morning shower. 

What about a cat bath?

Yeck! and No! is my response. That's when I exhibit an extra portion of Maxitude. Normally cats stay clean with natural grooming. But sometimes your cat gets into something awful. And then, I hate to say it, it's time for a bath. 

Animal Planet has some cat-friendly advice about the dreaded bathing.

Place him in an empty tub or sink, speak reassuringly, and run a washcloth wet with room-temperature water over his fur -- just enough to get him damp. If he's calm enough, start filling the bath or use a tumbler or pitcher of warm water -- never hot -- and slowly pour this over his fur. You can also try a hose attached to the faucet to saturate his coat. Working from head to tail, apply a small amount of diluted feline shampoo and work up the suds, cleaning the cat's fur and skin. Be sure to rinse more than once to prevent shampoo residue from irritating his skin, or getting into his mouth when he tries to lick himself dry. Dry him with a clean, fluffy towel, praising him for braving bath time. 

My advice is stay clean and avoid human induced baths!

Head bumps!


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